Movie Review : Pokémon Detective Pikachu

6:51 PM

Pokemon: Detective Pikachu really brings beautiful nostalgia for Pokemon lovers (90s generation). The story begins with a funny scene from Tim Goodman, a former Pokemon trainer who now lives without a partner and with a tedious job that fails to capture Cubone. Suddenly, Tim heard the news of the death of his father (Harry Goodman) due to an accident. This incident unexpectedly led him to meet Pikachu and Lucy (Kathryn Newton) with her partner Psyduck to adventure and reveal the mystery of Harry's death.

The storyline is quite simple and predictable, making the movie feel slow in the beginning to the middle. In fact, I hope for more pokemon battles in this movie. However, "Pokémon Detective Pikachu" is quite success to describe the world of pokemon that we love. Personally I like the way they make Cubone and Bulbasaur characters more adorable than the cartoon version. This film makes me really want to be a Pokemon partner. Cast is good, and as usual, Ryan Reynolds as Pikachu is good at putting humor in this film. One part that was quite surprising and entertaining was when he sang the original Pokemon theme song. Overall this film is good and quite exciting for Pokemon lovers. I hope this will be a good start for the Pokemon movie franchise.

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