When People Judge You

8:43 PM

Tak seorang pun berhak menghakimi apa yg kau lakukan,
sampai mereka tahu apa yg telah kau lalui.


We live in the world which people judge us from what they see.
They said looks like they know everything,
But don't worry because in fact they know nothing about your life.
Your life is YOURS !
You know more about your life, not he, not she, not they...
So, when they started judge you and you know if their statement is not you.
Don't pay attention.
Maybe they just want to destroy your reputation or whatever.
You just need prove to them and other people who are 'the real you'.

And for the people who always judge other.
Hey, you better look yourself first. Are you a perfect person ?
Remember, karma is exist!
Treat people the way you wanna be treated.


People will hate you, rate you, shake you, and break you.
But how strong you stand is what makes you.

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